We created a rich program of activities over the weekends before Christmas time. November 30th - Route of white wines: 10 am walk through the vineyards, tasting of four wines and appetizers; December 1st - Laboratory of candles with beeswax with Matteo Fabris of Fabris Apicolitura: 3 pm after an introduction on bees and honey, a laboratory on the creation of beeswax candles; December 7th - Garland workshop with Laura Vaccari from Fiorificio: from 10 am during the day a workshop for modeling small objects with natural materials; December 8th - show cooking with Paola Manias of CookingPaola: 3 pm spicy biscuits and jams will be prepared as excellent Christmas gifts; December 14th - Red wine route: 10 am walk through the vineyards, tasting of four wines and appetizers; December 15 - show cooking with Paola Manias of CookingPaola: 3 pm the chef will prepare light and composed "musetto"; December 21st - meeting with the writer Matteo Bellotto: 3 pm introducing his latest book Storie di vino e di Friuli Venezia Giulia; December 22nd - Elisabetta Milan art exhibition will be set in the cellar. CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS.